VersaProbe VP-50 Series Universal Touchpad Reader and Software
1 Lb Jar FLT BLUE POWDER - Bright Dyes Tracer Dye for water or wastewater leak detection
1 Lb Jar FLT YELLOW/GREEN POWDER - Bright Dyes Tracer Dye for water or wastewater leak detection
1 Lb Jar FWT RED POWDER - Bright Dyes Tracer Dye for water or wastewater leak detection
3/4" x 5/8" EPDM Rubber Water Meter Gasket, 1/8" thick, for Reducer Meter Couplings
Sewerin UT 830 Pipe Locator Kit, 83kHz Transmitter plus passive 60Hz Power (DEMO UNIT)
Debris Cap for Natural Gas Valve Boxes (Stock)
Sewerin UT 930 Multi-frequency 5 Watt Pipe & Cable Locator Kit
Sewerin UT 9100 Multi-frequency Pipe & Cable Locator, with Remote Radio Link
Sewerin UT 9200 Multi-frequency Pipe & Cable Locator, with GPS/GNSS/GIS
VL-9R-2 Remote Water Meter Reader LCD Display for Badger Read-o-matic Register
Curb Box Repair Lids - OUTSIDE Repair lid for 2-1/2" Curb Box (Old Style T-374)
Anti-Tamper Curb Box Repair Lids - INSIDE Style for 2-1/2" Curb Box (New Style T-373)
Curb Box Repair Lids - INSIDE Repair lid for Outside Style 2-1/2" Curb Box (T-372)
Installation Couplings and fittings for Phyn Plus Smart Water Assistant+Shutoff Device
Forbest 200' Sewer Inspection Camera System with Multi-Function controls
CKR Manhole Rehab Plug
Fire Hydrant Flow Testing Tube for Ultrasonic Clamp-on Meter
Nobel Systems Water Distribution System Pressure Monitoring
Sonic-Driver Mobile-UFM Android Clamp-on Flow Meter